About me

This is my story.

In 2009, I was exhausted. My mum had been diagnosed with the mental health condition bipolar and I was desperate to find a way to help her. I spent most of my time learning about her condition and providing as much support as I could. Eventually, I burned out. I was mentally, physically and emotionally drained. My tank was running on empty.

Around this time, I took mum to a wellbeing event where I met the wonderful Alison Forge, author of Pocket Positivity. Alison could see mum was my priority and intuitively knew I put her needs before my own. It was during this encounter that Alison asked a question that completely changed the direction of my life:

"If you were on an aeroplane and it was going down, who would you put the oxygen mask on first: you or your mum?"

Enjoying nature
Relaxing in Caerphilly
Exploring the fields of South Wales

Alison went on to explain that looking after myself first and foremost would enable me to take better care of mum. She encouraged me to welcome self-care into my life and so began a new journey. I started to listen to my own needs and identify my personal goals. I learned how to replenish my energy, increase my emotional resilience and, ultimately, truly care for myself. In doing so, I fell in love with life again.

Since then, I have travelled the world and become a meditation guide, Wild Woman Project facilitator and author. Through my wellbeing workshops and books, I hope to reawaken your love for yourself, inspire your sense of adventure and ignite your lust for life. The positive act of self-care will enable you to nourish your soul and create the life you were born to live.

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